Discernment During the Pandemic
We're all experiencing it—fear, anxiety, isolation, everything that comes with social distancing and an economic shutdown.
That's true for men discerning a vocation to the priesthood, too. They need support and encouragement, now more than ever.
Please share the below article in its entirety with anyone who needs encouragement, advice, and prayer in these trying times.
Full Article: Discernment During the Pandemic.
Events are postponed until further notice. |
Thank you for helping promote vocations in the Diocese of Ogdensburg! Your work and prayers are greatly appreciated.
If you know a young man who is interested in the priesthood, please encourage him to contact us. Likewise, if you are aware of a young woman or man who is discerning religious life, please send them our way. We'll help connect them with respective religious communities. And of course, let us keep praying for each other and for all holy vocations in the Church.
The Vocation Team |
The Vocations Office and this issue of "Come Follow Me" are supported by
The Bishop's Fund Appeal |
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